
May 25, 2017

Ever Wondered what Goes on in Teens’ Minds when they are Infatuated?

Have you ever been infatuated? Of course you have. And if you can be really frank with yourself, you’d have noticed some of the weird things going on in your mind. Anyway just to remind you as well as inform those who don’t know, read on below… That moment when you can’t help but break […]

Ever Wondered what Goes on in Teens’ Minds when they are Infatuated? Read More »

Attention Over-protective Parents Here are the Side Effects of your parenting Style

Parents are naturally over-protective. However, some do take their over-protectiveness some extra miles, inadvertently infantilizing their children in the process. This they do despite their teenagers’ best efforts to assert their independence.  Truth is, most over-protective parents think they are actually doing the right thing for their children; keeping them safe from the world and

Attention Over-protective Parents Here are the Side Effects of your parenting Style Read More »

A Look at some of the Reasons Teenagers Like Taking Risks

As you may well know, taking risks is a normal thing for most teenagers. For them, it’s like testing the boundaries and living the prime life; it is their own way of  discovering life on their own terms. Indeed, the average teen takes at least one major risk before outgrowing teenagehood. Interestingly, no matter the

A Look at some of the Reasons Teenagers Like Taking Risks Read More »

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