A student who asked a girl out on a date via a handwritten note in the style of a WhatsApp message has spoken of his surprise after it went viral.
Alfonso, a student at Southampton, made the offer to Naomi Lucking in the university library.
She turned down his request for a coffee, but his creative effort has led to other date offers after she tweeted his handiwork.
He called the reaction a “really great experience”.
Her tweet, which was shared more than 30,000 times, said:
Some guy in the library gave me this and it was the most awkward experience of my life.
10/10 for creativity though.
The message reads:
Sorry to disturb your studies, but I really need to ask… would you like to have a coffee with me someday?
The note gave two possible replies: “Sure! Why not? Life is short,” and “No thanks! I have a 7ft tall boyfriend.”
Naomi later tweeted:
I just laughed and said ‘actually he’s 6ft 3’.
Alfonso gave the reason why he invented that really cool way of making his intentions known:
I wasn’t supposed to talk to someone because it was a quiet room, so I thought about doing something creative.
I really wanted to do it in an original way. She was using her phone and I thought she can pay attention to this and not to her phone.
I had been studying there for awhile because this Masters is so hard, and she was really pretty, and I thought why not try it.
Naomi also thought….
….the effort was great, definitely the most creative way anyone’s ever asked me on a date. But I don’t think I would reconsider his offer, mainly because I have a boyfriend, but judging by Twitter there are a good 30,000 people who would.
This is a solid example that creativity and originality ALWAYS win. I sure hope this is not giving you any ideas – yes you…you reading this.
Source: BBC