
How to Act Confident in an Embarrassing Situation Even When You are Not

Let’s say that you are caught in an embarrassing moment. The world stops. People stare and maybe laugh! You want to crawl into a hole, and just die. You giggle and your mouth becomes completely dry. You might have trouble talking, as the butterflies take over your stomach, and your heart pounds. What do you do next?

 1. Keep your head up

Rather than turning and ducking into a dark corner, try the opposite. Stand tall and remember that you aren’t the first person to go through whatever the embarrassing situation is.

2. Laugh it off

The best thing you can do is smile and laugh at yourself. You will show anyone watching that it was no big deal and that you can brush off the little things.

3. Approach and apologize

If you are embarrassed because you have offended someone or acted in a less-than-admirable way, you can still redeem yourself. It’s tempting to hide, but approaching the situation and apologising for your wrongdoing feels much better and allows you to move past it.

Just being part of the human race guarantees you will be embarrassed somewhere along the way. Whether you get caught lying or your body malfunctions, giving off bad odours or noises. Sooner or later, these incidents will happen and others will notice.

No matter what happens, everyone experiences embarrassing moments and knows just how it feels. Just remember to put things in perspective, laugh, take it with grace, and you will find yourself transformed from an embarrassed person to a confident person.


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