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Are You Dating a Fool?

Are you dating a fool? Is the person who occupies your thoughts, and to whom you have given your heart worthy of your attentions? This article seeks to help you decide if the person you are presumably “dating” is cool or a fool.

Figure it out with these 13 warning signs. Answer “Yes” to 8 or more, and the object of your affections may not be all that s/he seems.

Your dating a fool if…

  1. Every time you meet together, s/he seems to be pulling away rather than leaning in.
  2. You get together at parties or when you run in to each other, but never seem to have any planned dates.
  3. S/he has been known to mention another person’s name in a fond way
  4. He or she is in a relationship with somebody else, and no matter how bad they claim that relationship is. if they are still in it, whatever it is you have with them is tainted
  5. When you are together, you just feel in your gut that his/her heart is not really in it
  6. There never seems to be a good time to talk about your relationship, but there is always time for making out
  7. S/he never ever calls the day after you get together, and if you call, s/he is usually too busy to talk or doesn’t answer at all
  8. You know of at least three other people who have the same type of “relationship” with this person
  9. When the two of you get together, kissing or hooking up is all you do, you don’t talk or just hang out
  10. You just can’t seem to get him/her to settle down with you alone, but s/he is always ready for a hot and heavy make out session
  11. Kissing and/or hooking up is the only thing you genuinely enjoy doing with this person
  12. When you use the words “boyfriend”, “girlfriend”, or “us” you can feel her/him shrink back
  13. You have caught her/him kissing somebody else.

Sure, it sucks to realize you are being played, and that the object of your affections is nothing more than a wolf in sheep clothing. But don’t be too downcast, at least you figured it out before it was too late! And now, you can give them a classic Bye Felicia, with a well-deserved kick in the rear to boot!

See Also: Dear Nice Girl: This is How He Played You For a Fool

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