
The Bracelet that Wants to Make You Happy!

Yes, you read the title correctly. The bracelet is your own little pick-me-up on those days when it seems everything couldn’t possibly get worse. It is being proposed by Sentio Solutions which is based in New York. Though the bracelet does not change colour, it helps you improve your mood by describing your emotional state, thanks to its bio-signal-tracking sensors.

This is how it works. The Feel Wristband may look like a pretty ordinary, rounded bracelet, but there’s a lot going on inside it. There are four sensors that track skin response, blood volume pulse, and skin temperature. A computer code – an algorithm – categorizes the signals into emotions, the data collected is transferred via Bluetooth to the connected app, which then visually charts your emotions throughout the day.

What’s pretty awesome is that it shows how your mood is affected by factors: such as who you meet with, the environmental conditions of where you are, and what you are doing.

If the sensors pick up that you are feeling incredibly stressed, it will vibrate and the app will offer breathing and meditation exercises to help you relax. Otherwise, the app will offer brief advice to make you feel better, such as laugh more or meditate.

You can also make an emotional wellness plan to learn and keep healthy habits and stick to long-term emotional goals. The app will track and notify you real-time on how you’re doing.

At this point, it’s hard to say how well the Feel band will work, and if it can actually unravel your emotions with data from its sensors and algorithm. Guess, we will have to wait and see, which won’t be until December when the first batch will be rolled out.

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