

Teens! Here are some Career Truths no Teacher will teach you in School

Clearly speaking, the education system in most countries (specifically in Nigeria) is full of deceits. It does not only equip students with the necessary skills they need to be efficient in their future career, but also fails to inform them of such deficiencies. Instead, schools are determined to churn out a bunch of students into

Teens! Here are some Career Truths no Teacher will teach you in School Read More »

Entrepreneurship 101: The basic Things every Teen should know

There is a pressing need to encourage teenagers to embrace entrepreneurship, especially now.  This is the viewpoint that is held by so many people and for good reasons too. After all, all of the multinational companies we have today were once startups, founded by people with zeal and burning entrepreneurial spirits who wanted to do

Entrepreneurship 101: The basic Things every Teen should know Read More »

Some important Financial Advice Parents must give their Teens

In a world where even teenagers can become millionaires and successfully manage their financial resources if they so please, there are no justifiable reasons why parents should not teach their teens to become money wise. Therefore, teaching teens financial literacy is something that should start early in every teen’s life, made possible by their parents

Some important Financial Advice Parents must give their Teens Read More »

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