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Think you know all the rules on healthy eating? A top scientist has lots of surprises

What would a healthy diet based on scientific evidence look like? Rodney Bilton, emeritus professor of biochemistry at Liverpool John Moores University, has spent 15 years finding out – and discovered startling facts about what to eat to be slim and healthy… Dailymail reports. Eat unripe bananas Green bananas, along with whole grains, vegetables and fibre, […]

Think you know all the rules on healthy eating? A top scientist has lots of surprises Read More »

Student goes blind after keeping her contact lenses in for too long

A student in Taiwan who kept a pair of disposable contact lenses in her eyes for six months has been left blinded after a microscopic bug devoured her eyeballs. The tiny single-cell amoeba ate away at undergraduate Lian Kao’s sight because she didn’t take out and clean the contacts once during that time. According to

Student goes blind after keeping her contact lenses in for too long Read More »

The Best Way To Lose Weight: Expert’s Advice On How To Stay Slim

Instead of counting calories, those seeking to stay slim are better off enjoying a protein rich diet and eating fish, eggs and meat, scientists have found. Because of the way the human body prioritises protein over carbohydrates and fat, those with a diet low in protein are likely to gorge on these other food groups

The Best Way To Lose Weight: Expert’s Advice On How To Stay Slim Read More »

After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy

After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again Read More »

Ban fruit juice at dinner time: Health experts’ warning to parents over danger of sweet drinks

Parents should ban juice from the dinner table, experts warned yesterday. Children should be given only water or milk and should not expect sweet drinks all the time, according to Nutritionists. They point out that fruit juices are helping fuel sharp rises in obesity rates, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A typical teenager consumes

Ban fruit juice at dinner time: Health experts’ warning to parents over danger of sweet drinks Read More »

A good night’s sleep really DOES boost your brain: Getting shut eye helps builds nerve cells linked with learning

  The belief that a good night’s sleep boosts memory has been shown in countless tests. But up until now, direct evidence has been lacking on how exactly sleep strengthens the brains’ neural connections. Now researchers in New York have, for the first time, provided clear physical evidence that sleep fortifies learning. The finding adds

A good night’s sleep really DOES boost your brain: Getting shut eye helps builds nerve cells linked with learning Read More »

The app that detects skin cancer – and could be more accurate than a DOCTOR

Doctors are constantly warning people about the risks of skin cancer, urging them to get any unusual looking moles checked out by doctors. But the process of investigating these lesions can be a long-winded and, in some cases, complicated process. A Houston professor is hoping to drastically cut the time it takes to identify cancerous

The app that detects skin cancer – and could be more accurate than a DOCTOR Read More »

This Teen girl has rare fainting condition which means she collapses after 30 minutes of standing

A teenager with a rare condition which causes her to faint says she is sick of being accused of drunkenness when she passes out in public. Paige Bartram, 17, suffers from a rare syndrome known as Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) which causes her to faint if she stands up for longer than 30 minutes at

This Teen girl has rare fainting condition which means she collapses after 30 minutes of standing Read More »

Revealed: The invisible germs that lurk on your hands – even AFTER you’ve washed them

These striking images show how our hands are riddled with bacteria and viruses from everyday tasks such as picking up an old dishcloth to cleaning a kitchen surface. They have been produced as the latest scare tactic to encourage hand washing – therefore reducing the risk of illnesses such as norovirus, E.coli, colds and flu.

Revealed: The invisible germs that lurk on your hands – even AFTER you’ve washed them Read More »

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