This is an update from the website of the organisers as regards proceedings for the preliminary online aptitude test. Also included are the rules of engagement.
The Head of Media and Publicity, Mr Lucky Odion released a statement informing registered students and other stakeholders that the 1st stage (online aptitude) test earlier stated for the 30th of November 2015 has been postponed to the 9TH of DECEMBER 2015.
The areas of concentration of the competition are as follows :
- Computer Hardware
- Computer software/ application knowledge
- Basic computer programming
- Website development and design
1.) Qualification will be based on ranking i.e best 100 students from the 1st stage will proceed to the second stage.
2.) Students should endeavour to register with valid information (e.g name, phone number, email address).
3.) Registered students will write their online aptitude test using the log in details and exam page link that will be sent to their phones and email address.
4.) Parents and guardians are advised to let the students sit for the tests by themselves.
5.) Participating students can sit for their online aptitude test using their PC and other internet enabled device
6.) In the case that there are no clear best 100 students from the first sitting, another test will be scheduled that only the students with the best results will participate
7.) A school may enter as many participants as they please but schools should endeavour to register their best students for better representation
8.) There is no charge, entry and participation is free
9.) Participants must be students of a secondary school in Lagos state
10.) Results from the online test will be published on the competition website on the next working day after the test is taken. Students will also receive mails and short messages on their phone stating their results.
11.) Answers are designed to be objective (often multiple choices or a number) rather than subjective (for Example, an essay). Questions will contain computer knowledge and logic
Requirements: Participants will be required to take an online aptitude test of 60 questions in 45 minutes. Each participant must have access to a computer or internet enabled device. The competition is opened to students from JSS1 to SSS3. All the activities of the Olympiad except the 1st stage will be televised on national television
1.) The best 100 students from the 1st stage are the only students eligible for this stage
2.) The student will proceed on a week long training at NIIT to prepare them for the 2nd stage test.
3.) Students are encouraged to be well behaved, attentive and punctual during the training.
4.) Training will involve both theory and practical.
5.) The best 5 students from this stage will proceed to the next stage.
6.) The examination at this stage will be done in the presence of invigilators from the Ministry of Education, participating schools, and the Nigeria computer society.
The rules for this stage will be posted before the finals.
I hope this answers all the questions you may have (eager beavers that you are!). And it’s good, do keep it up.
See Also: Want To Win Some Prizes? Enter the 2015 National ICT Olympiad