
Rated 4.8/5 by parents & students

  • Most students are usually scared of the examination period in their schools especially those ones who are not particularly brilliant. Here are some tips to help you get better results at the end of this […]

  • Social Studies JSS 3  Week 1 
    Topic: Conflicts

    Meaning of Conflict
    Types of Conflicts
    Examples of Conflicts in Nigeria
    Causes of Conflicts
    Effects of conflict on the society
    Conflict m […]

  • Week 4
    Topic: Bush Burning
    Bush burning is the act of setting forests, weeds and grasses on fire. Farmers clear farmland in preparation for the planting season. The weeds and grasses cleared are […]

  • Thank You for writing us Excellent.
    We are not the organisers of the competition, Cowbell is.
    We only advertised the competition on our website so that young people and different schools can participate.
    We would […]

  • English Language SS2 Third Term
    Week  8
    Structure: Nouns – Countable and Uncountable/Concrete and Abstract
    Skill Focus: How to keep up with your English during the Holidays
    Common erro […]

  • Financial Accounting, SS 2, Week 4
    Topic: Sources of government revenue

    Levels of Government
    Sources of revenue

    The  3 levels of government are


    The sources of […]

  • Biology SS 1 Week 6

    Topic: Common Diseases
    Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected […]

  • Week 6
    Topic: Amorphous Forms of Carbon
    Coal is formed in nature by the carbonization of wood. Conversion of wood to coal under the influence of high temperature, high pressure and in the absence of air is […]

  • Computer Science, JSS 1 Week 3
    Topic:Types and Uses Of Computer
    Types Of Computer

    Analog Computer: Analog computers are computer that operate on value represented in form of continuous variables. That is, […]

  • Business Studies, JSS 1, Week 5
    Topic: Forms of Business Organization (Sole Proprietorship)

    Meaning of a sole proprietorship
    Sources of Capital
    Advantages of sole […]

  • Biology SS 2 Week 5
    Topic: Fresh Water Habitats
    Fresh water habitat is a body of water formed mainly from inland waters and contain very low level of salinity. Examples of fresh water habitats are […]

  • Financial Accounting, SS 1, Week 4
    Topic: Consignment Account

    Meaning of Consignment Account
    Pro forma invoice
    Agent’s commission
    Entries in the book of the consignor

    Meaning of […]

  • Economics, SS 1, Week 6
    Topic: Theory of Demand

    Definition of demand
    Law of Demand
    Demand Schedule
    Demand curve
    Types of Demand

    Theory of Demand
    Theory of Demand is a theory relating […]

  • Greetings Kay,

    Cowbell themselves posted the results so if your result isn’t there, it probably means you didn’t qualify.

    Better luck next time.

    Thank You

  • Greetings Racheal,

    The exam for this competition already took place since March.

    I’m afraid you can no longer register.

    Next year is another opportunity.

    Thank You

  • Civic Education, JSS 2, Week 2
    Topic: Ethnicity Problem

    Meaning of Ethnicity
    Causes of Ethnicity
    Consequences of Ethnicity
    Solutions to Ethnicity

    Meaning of Ethnicity
    Definitions of […]

  • Biology SS 1 Week 4

    Topic: Micro-Organisms in our Environment
    Micro-organisms found in Air and Water
    Air: The air harbour micro-organisms like fungi (Rhizopus, Yeast, Mucor, Aspergillus and Penicillium […]

  • Chemistry SS 1 Week 5
    Topic: Carbon (II) Oxide
    In carbon (II) oxide, also known as carbon monoxide, exhibits oxidation state of +2. It is the choking gas produced during the incomplete combustion […]

  • Agricultural science, JSS 2, Week 3
    Topic:  Cultural Practices Associated with crop production

    The Cultural practices associated with crop production are:

    Moulding : This is the gathering of soil around […]

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