
  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Chocolate is amazing and actually isn’t bad for you, unless you’re eating, like, the entire Nestle factory or something. So here are 7 weird but true and awesome facts about chocolate!
    Chocolate Was Used As Mon […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Introduction To Nervous Co-rdination

    The behavior of an animal in its environment to maintain itself depends on the coordination of its organ systems. Without co-ordination of various organ systems, various […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The harmattan is a trade wind strengthened by a low-pressure centre over the north coast of the Gulf of Guinea and a high-pressure centre located over northwestern Africa in winter and over the adjacent Atlantic […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Meaning of Public Service
    Pubic Service is a body or a department in the executive arm of the Government responsible for the execution of the policies and programmes of the Government.
    The Public Service and its […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Definition Of Application Packages

    Application packages can be defined as the ready made software or program designed in a standardized form for solving various problems that are common to users.
    They are […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Hi admin
    My name is Shola, I happened to be the best student in my class, since the past two sessions, I’ve been on first position. I study well always for my exams and through this I ensure that nobody else […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The teenage years can be tough, and it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or irritable every now and then. But if these feelings don’t go away or become so intense that you can’t handle them, you may be suffe […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Definition Of Electrolysis
    Electrolysis is the process by which the movement of an electric current through a solution librates electrons. Chemicals in a container are decomposed in order to generate […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the region of air above the earth surface. There are many gases in the atmosphere. They include carbon (IV) oxide, […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Definition Of Animal Husbandry
    Animal husbandry is the management and care of farm animals by humans for profit, in which genetic qualities and behaviour are considered to be advantageous to humans and for […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Meaning Of Soil Porosity
    Soil porosity refers to the amount of pore or open space between soil particles. Pore spaces may be formed as a result of movement of roots, worms, and insects; expanding gases trapped […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Definition of Cultism

    Cultism can also be called secret cult; it can be defined as an enclosed organized association devoted to the same cause. Members of this group always commit themselves to oath and […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The origin of this concept “Africa the center piece of foreign policy” could be traced to the administration of the first Republic in Nigeria (1960-1966) headed by the then prime minister, sir Abubakar Tafawa Bal […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    (By Stefanie Weisman)
    Top students aren’t made, they’re born. After effortlessly absorbing whatever the teacher throws at them, they spout it back on tests and watch the A’s come rolling in. They have excep […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Brain foods not only nourish your brain but also provide your body with the required nutrients. So the next time you have a presentation or an exam, munch on these to help you focus.
    1. Eggs
    Eggs are a great […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Definition Of Constitution
    Constitution can be refers to as a book or document which contains the rules and principle by which a state is governed. It is the fundamental laws and principle that prescribe s the […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The circular flow of income
    circular flow is a model of the economy in which the major exchanges are represented as flows of money, goods and services, etc. between economic agents The flows of money and goods […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Man is a mammal and belongs to the class called primates. Primates share common features such as:

    Hair or fur on some parts of their body.
    Give birth to young ones alive and the young are fed with milk […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The concept of savings
    Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. A method of saving includes putting money aside in, for example, a deposit account, a pension account, an investment fund, or as cash. […]

  • Adejoke Mokolade wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Teachers have a great effect on students and most especially during exams period, the following ways are means by which the teachers can help the students stay focused during their exams.

    1. Talk and listen to […]

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