
Secondary School

SS1 Chemistry Third Term: Tricarbonates

Introduction These are the salts of carbonic acid. The anions are represented as: Carbonate ion trioxocarbonate (IV) : CO32- Bicarbonate ion or hydrogen trioxocarbonates:  HCO3– These anions are formed from carbonic acid, H2CO3 as follows: H2CO3 <——-> HCO3– + H+ <——–> CO32- + H+ COMPOUNDS CONTAINING TRIOXOCARBONATE (IV) OR HYDROGEN TRIOXOCARBONATE (IV) ANIONS Usually metal ions […]

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SS1 Geography Third Term: States In Nigeria

Introduction Population in Nigeria increased from 1990 to 2008 by 57 million, 60% growth rate. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and accounts for about 18% of the continent’s total population, however, exactly how populous is a subject of speculation. The United Nations estimates that the population in 2009 was at 154,729,000, distributed

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JSS2 Agricultural Science Third Term: Farm Animal Diseases I

Diseases Diseases can be defined as the absence of normal health due to infection, nutritional deficiency and imbalance, hereditary and functional disorders as well as injuries. Diseases can also be described as any disturbance in the normal life or body function of an organism which may affect a particular organ or the whole body and

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SS2 English Language Third Term: Subordinate clause and Skill focus

Clause: Subordinate and Insubordinate A subordinate clause (or dependent clause) is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not express a complete thought. A subordinate clause is a group of words, which include a finite or non-finite verb.  The subordinate clause cannot stand independently as it is not complete

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SS1 Commerce Second Term: Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages of each Type of Large Scale Retailer

Large Scale Retailing Large scale retail trade has a large scale of operation; the retailers achieve their growth by increasing the physical size of their units to cater for more customers. Examples of large scale retail trade are: Chain or Multiple Store This is a chain of similar shops with identical store design, layout and

SS1 Commerce Second Term: Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages of each Type of Large Scale Retailer Read More »

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