1. Whole Eggs
Eggs cannot be hard-boiled – that is, cooked until all the internal parts are hard – in the microwave. As the appliance generates rapid heat, steam forms inside the egg but has nowhere to go. So the steam puts pressure on the shell until the egg explodes, leaving you with a horrible mess to clean up.
2. Water
Surprisingly, water should be off limits. When heated in the microwave, plain water doesn’t form bubbles, which can help cool it down. Instead it becomes superheated and can scald you. Either use a pot or kettle on the stove, or heat it in the microwave for longer in small increments.
4. Aluminum Foil
Many may already know this, but metal does not fare well in the microwave. Even the thinnest, tiniest amount of metal could start a fire so keep travel mugs out of the microwave.
5. Fresh Fruit
Keep in mind that grapes explode, apples implode, and some other fruits will smoke up, should it ever come into your mind to make your own home-made jam or fruit compote!
6. Styrofoam
Whether it’s that take-away from a party or your favourite canteen, the styrofoam packaging has to go before you do anything. The flimsy plastic will melt and emit dangerous fumes you definitely DO NOT want to be consuming.
7. Hot Peppers
Not much happens to the pepper itself, but your eyes and throat are sure to burn once you open the microwave and the chemical it releases into the air hit your face.
8. Brown Paper Bags
You know, the type that snacks and those oh-so-delicious burgers and fries come in. You are advised against using these bags to cook in any form whatsoever by the USDA, calling them not sanitary and warning consumers that they may cause a fire or emit toxic fumes.
So, these are the 8 Microwave taboos you should desist from for healthy and safe eating. Do enjoy your meal, please!