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Allergic To Some Foods? Get All Your Facts Here

Hard as you may find it to believe, some of the foods you eat may be harmful to you or your friends. For a fact, food allergy cases have increased significantly since the days of your parents and you would be surprised by the rising trends in food allergies, and the somewhat little things that can set them off.

Some people live in constant danger of eating foods that can make them sick; such foods like nuts, eggs, fruits, dairy, products made from dairy, and seafood. People have been known to exhibit strong allergic reactions to peanuts, milk, ice-cream, berries, and others, as well as products that have been prepared with these foods.

It can take many trips to the doctor to figure out what’s wrong and just what foods are to blame, and the underlying cause of food allergies is a problem with the body’s immune system.

The Immune System

The immune system works to protect us from infections from bacteria, viruses and parasites; but sometimes, it gets confused and starts recognising foods as an enemy, which it then attacks as a response.

That response can range from itching to rashes (also known as hives), vomiting, and even difficulty breathing. Very severe breathing symptoms are called anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is not only scary, it can be deadly too and can happen in an instant! You have hives all over your body, and your eyes pop up; though it is different for everybody, it can get really fatal.

Allergic? What Should You Do?

If you suffer from food allergies or know anyone who does, you can support them by being a PAL, which stands for Protect A Life. Consider some important points below:

  • Don’t share food
  • Ensure to wash your hands after eating foods like nuts, dairy and dairy products; because just touching someone can set off their allergic reaction
  • Learn what triggers an allergic reaction in you or your friend, and try to avoid it.
  • Get help immediately if your friend starts having a reaction.
  • Always carry a medical device to treat a reaction until you can get to a doctor
  • Plan ahead by bringing your own food wherever you go. And if you are eating out, ensure to ask politely how the food has been made and with what, even as you briefly explain your allergic reactions. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Be careful to avoid dangerous exposure to the causes of your allergies when not at home.

With these points, good health to you!

SEE ALSO: Don’t Read Food Labels? You Could Be Eating More Sugar Than You Know!

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