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July 15, 2016

11 Insect Repellent Measures To Help You Win Your Battle Against Mosquitoes

Have you ever heard that the dangerous animal to mankind is not a lion, tiger, shark or any of those predatory animals your mind can come up with? It is the little, humble mosquito! Yes, because it has caused more human deaths than any wild animal you can think of. This, being the case, what are […]

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Girl Talk: 8 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You – Even If It Doesn’t Seem Like It

Shy guys are pretty hard to figure out, unsurprisingly. They’re shy, so they’re probably also kind of quiet and awkward… not just around you, but around everyone. So how are you supposed to know if that kind of guy likes you and is just too shy to say anything, or if he’s not interested at

Girl Talk: 8 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You – Even If It Doesn’t Seem Like It Read More »

5 Beauty and Health Myths You’ve Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

When it comes to beauty and health, surely there is a whole lot of information flying around. Want to know what’s real and what’s fake? Here are 5 beauty and health myths everyone believes that actually aren’t true. Shaving Makes Your Hair Grow Back Faster When you shave, you’re getting rid of the dead part

5 Beauty and Health Myths You’ve Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Civic Education – JSS1}: Traffic Regulations

Civic Education, Jss 1, Week 8 Topic – Traffic Regulations Contents: Meaning of Traffic Regulations Traffic rules Causes of road accident Consequences of disobeying traffic rules Agencies to consult when accident occurs Meaning of Traffic Regulations Traffic regulations are rules that are made to control the movement of vehicles and human beings on the roads

Classwork Series and Exercises {Civic Education – JSS1}: Traffic Regulations Read More »

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