
Author name: Akinlabi Omo-Oso

An eager student of life, and a firm believer in the aphorism that "It isn't just enough to know, one must also be impressed with the urgency to do!"

Want To Win Scholarships? Follow These 6 Important Steps

Have you ever wondered if you have to be an academic genius to win a scholarship? Have excellent grades, and be top of your class? Well, that is not always the case as you will learn shortly. There are so many scholarships out there from corporations, associations, foundations and community groups that have nothing to […]

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How Are You Using These English Words, ENVELOP and ENVELOPE?

How are you using and pronouncing these words? Do you think they mean the same thing, or that one is British and the other American? Hold your answers just yet, as this article seeks to envelop you in the right answers. First with the…. Definition  Envelop is a verb meaning cover, enclose, or wrap up (something). Envelope is

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12 Funny Rituals That Students Around the World Do Just Before Exams

Exam periods are stressful periods for students, whether you live in Nigeria, Canada, Sweden, South Korea or New Zealand. Below are some rituals that students claim get them through their exams, and in flying colours too! Consider thus: In the month before exams, I do wash my hair properly but I do not dare to

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Fruits and Vegetables Are Healthy, But You May Be Eating Them Wrongly!

Nutritional guidelines recommend the consumption of at least five portions of fruit or vegetables each day for good health. Five portions mentioned here is not the target you should aim for, but the least amount that you eat. In that case, you may wonder if your daily diet of eating 5 apples, 3 oranges, ½

Fruits and Vegetables Are Healthy, But You May Be Eating Them Wrongly! Read More »

If One Screams High Enough, Will One Really Shatter Glass? Science Explains It All

Have you ever heard someone say about a particular singer “She’s got a voice that can break glass”? Or that if you scream in a high-pitched voice long enough in front of a mirror, it will crack? According an explanation by BBC Future, this is actually possible because of a phenomenon known as resonance. When sound

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The Mystery Taxi That Takes You Not Where You Want To Go, But Where You Need To Go

The rain was coming down fast and hard with fists of watery fury on the family size umbrella that shielded Bella and her father, but even this was not enough to protect them. Gusty winds sprayed them with rainwater from the sides, even as the umbrella was under constant threat of being yanked from her

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Don’t Like Chores? Here are 7 Reasons Why They Will Make You More Responsible

Not all parents give teens chores. Some parents worry their teen is too busy with school work and extra-curricular activities to worry about cleaning the house. Other parents have simply given up because their teen refuses to do chores. Chores are an important part of growing up. Clearing the table, cleaning the dishes, and keeping

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