

The Different Types of Friends you may have…

There are many characters in every close-knit group of friends. There are the funny ones, the annoying ones, the compassionate ones and the touché ones. There are also the religious ones, the loutish ones, the serious ones and the lucky go lucky ones. Indeed there are typically several characters, which make me wonder which one […]

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Behold: Everyday Images of Nigerian Secondary School Life

Mind you, there is nothing to see here other than some interesting images of Nigerian Secondary School Students in school, either learning or just hanging out. Please relax, look through the images and do let me know in the comment section if you can see yourself. Lol. Alright then… IF YOU A TRUE NIGERIAN SECONDARY

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Here are what happens when Teenagers are Bored

Teenagers tend to struggle with a lot of things each time they are overwhelmed with boredom. They struggle to stay motivated and might even lose sight of their goals in the process of that struggle. Little wonder teens who are bored always neglect their school work, extracurricular activities and household chores. Bored teenagers may also

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Science Students! Here are the Basic Safety Measures to Observe While in the Labouratory

Let me begin this article by telling a rather funny but instructive story. Enjoy and learn please… First year Medical Students of Kenyatta University were attending their first Anatomy Class. As they all gathered around the Anatomy Table beholding the real dead body before them, their lecturer, Professor Mwangi started the class by telling them

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Why is Performance Poor despite Nigeria’s Emphasis on STEM Subjects?

Have you ever wondered why so much emphasis is placed on STEM subjects in Nigerian schools even though virtually all the science students barely practice the science they have been taught? Indeed, several (presumably brilliant students) are continually groomed towards becoming the future scientists who would solve the problem of Nigeria’s technical inadequacies. But in

Why is Performance Poor despite Nigeria’s Emphasis on STEM Subjects? Read More »

Empowering Teens to Embrace Science and Technology

So many School Children do not seem to understand the huge emphasis placed on Science Subjects. Some do not even understand the relevance of Mathematics and such related abstract subjects including Physics which they are forced to learn and understand. Yet, the truth remains that virtually all the advancements humanity has made here on earth

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We all know that school can really like bore teenagers to tears; right? But then again, it can also be surprisingly lovely just as it is boring. This means that there are interesting things about school that teenagers love. Some of the things on this list might even surprise you. But truly speaking, teenagers love


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