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Search Results for: Parents

Attention Over-protective Parents Here are the Side Effects of your parenting Style

Parents are naturally over-protective. However, some do take their over-protectiveness some extra miles, inadvertently infantilizing their children in the process. This they do despite their teenagers’ best efforts to assert their independence.  Truth is, most over-protective parents think they are actually doing the right thing for their children; keeping them safe from the world and […]

Attention Over-protective Parents Here are the Side Effects of your parenting Style Read More »

Parents! What are the Secrets to raising super smart and successful Teens?

While parenting may be a natural instinct, the truth remains that any parent who truly wishes to train their children well and prepare them for future success must be continuously open to learning a number of new ways of raising children. This is necessary, especially considering that nobody knows everything. Moreover, people are constantly devising new

Parents! What are the Secrets to raising super smart and successful Teens? Read More »

How best can Teachers and Parents Get Students to actually love Maths?

As I have pointed out more than once on this platform, Mathematics is the most hated subject in schools. First of all it is abstract and therefore difficult to comprehend, especially when you have not quite opened your mind to understanding it. Moreover, most students constantly wonder why they even need to bother studying Mathematics

How best can Teachers and Parents Get Students to actually love Maths? Read More »

Some simple but effective Ways Parents can make their Teens eat healthy means

Today I am focusing a lot on health and healthy lifestyle because as a popular saying goes, health is wealth. Unhealthy teens can barely feel good with themselves much less perform academically whereas on the other hand, healthy teens are typically most excellent at their academics. Now considering that parents are directly in charge of

Some simple but effective Ways Parents can make their Teens eat healthy means Read More »

Why Parents should sometimes let their Teens handle Challenges and Pain

Just yesterday, I wrote about the problems associated with over-protective parenting. And so today I will follow up that article with this one which discusses the importance of letting teenagers handle their challenges by themselves every once in a while. You see, inasmuch as pampering is good, it can indeed become counterproductive when abused. Therefore,

Why Parents should sometimes let their Teens handle Challenges and Pain Read More »

How best should Parents help Teens deal with Angst and such related Issues?

Angst is a type of feeling [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][probably] peculiar to teenagers whereby they constantly feel deep anxiety about nothing in particular or everything in general. In other words, teenage angst can either be

How best should Parents help Teens deal with Angst and such related Issues? Read More »

Some Fundamentals of Education both Students, Teachers and Parents should always bear in Mind

1. TO LEARN MEANS TO: Memorize new things Acquire facts and the knowledge about the procedures for doing things Understanding reality Making sense of the world Using skills learnt to solve actual human problems 2. THERE ARE SEVERAL LEARNING STYLES, INCLUDING: Visual: Using sight Auditory: Using songs or rhythms Verbal: Speaking out loud the information

Some Fundamentals of Education both Students, Teachers and Parents should always bear in Mind Read More »

Advice to Parents on the right Way to handle disrespectful Teens

Any parent who has teenagers around must have, at some point had to deal with the sarcastic comments with dismissive tones and the eye rolls that characterizes teenagers’ disrespect to adults. Indeed, such rude dispositions are synonymous with teenagehood and parents are usually tired and even hurt. That brings me to the main issue of

Advice to Parents on the right Way to handle disrespectful Teens Read More »

How Parents and Teachers can detect Signs of Low Self Esteem in Teenagers

Teenage years can be hectic, even as they are typically characterized by many teenagers having insecurity issues. As a result of the problems they face both at home and in school such as bullying and peer pressure, teens overtime find themselves struggling with low self esteem and other related issues. It is therefore important for

How Parents and Teachers can detect Signs of Low Self Esteem in Teenagers Read More »

Helping Teenagers organize their Rooms: what Parents should do

One of the challenges parents face when raising teenagers is getting their teens to keep their rooms clean. Most teenagers’ rooms are typically in disarray (and most especially the boys), with clothes strewn across the floor, beds unmade  and all kinds of rubbish under the bed. Some of these rooms do not get swept for

Helping Teenagers organize their Rooms: what Parents should do Read More »

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