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For Boys: My Body is Changing, Tell Me What is Happening

The onset of puberty—the stage of life in which you become physically mature—is a period when you enter one of life’s greatest transitions. In a sense, you’re moving to a whole new “neighborhood.” The name of which is called Adulthood But the move to adulthood can bring about mixed feelings, and it may not be

For Boys: My Body is Changing, Tell Me What is Happening Read More »

She Wont Tell You Her Age? Find Out in Seconds Using Just Her Picture!

It’s a general saying that you should never ask a lady her age. But what is more, most people – girls and boys alike – conceal their real ages for reasons best known to them. But not anymore! According to a recent report by CNN Tech, a computer algorithm developed by Microsoft can tell how old you

She Wont Tell You Her Age? Find Out in Seconds Using Just Her Picture! Read More »

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