
Financial Freedom

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): If You Are Above 12, It’s Too Late Already!

I recently started meditating on a particularly popular story of a world-renowned successful man. He grew up in a particularly interesting culture where they are trained and brought up to be successful. Theirs is such an interesting and effective method that today they are regarded as the most successful ethnic group on earth. They aren’t

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): If You Are Above 12, It’s Too Late Already! Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power of Imagination – 3 (+ 10 free tickets to a Financial Intelligence Workshop)

There is the very interesting story of a young boy who was such a nuisance to his dad. The dad was working on his office assignment he had brought home, but his son wanted to play with him. So to keep the little boy busy, his dad took a magazine centre spread with the map

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power of Imagination – 3 (+ 10 free tickets to a Financial Intelligence Workshop) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power of Imagination – 2 (+ Free tickets to a Financial Intelligence Workshop)

Continued from last week You are what you think. You won’t do anything that is largely different from how you see the world. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he – The Bible. If the way you see the world is like the little boy who thinks the trees are moving, you

#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power of Imagination – 2 (+ Free tickets to a Financial Intelligence Workshop) Read More »

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