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What a BUSINESS PLAN Is. And Why You Need To Know How To Draft One

Financial experts and entrepreneurs will tell you that a business plan is to an enterprise what dated goals are to a successful life. In other words, an enterprise is more likely to be successful when all involved know the details of what they hope to achieve and their roles in realising them. If this be

What a BUSINESS PLAN Is. And Why You Need To Know How To Draft One Read More »

Why All That Stands Between You and Success Is ONE PERFECTLY EXECUTED IDEA

In a post by Michael Luscher on, he writes about how doing one thing extremely well, refining the process, and doing it again are the ingredients for building any successful enterprise around a single idea. Focusing on one idea means that everything you do will revolve around it. While there are plenty of people with

Why All That Stands Between You and Success Is ONE PERFECTLY EXECUTED IDEA Read More »

4 Lessons From an Entrepreneur Who Has Experienced Both Success And Failure

“If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, don’t chase the money” are the words of Tomas Gorny, an entrepreneur whose life and business experiences will be the point of this post, as he emphasises the point that the creation of great things is actually more important than the accumulation of wealth. Do check out some

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Wait! Is Your Business Idea Really Worth It? Let These 3 Points Guide You

Be your own boss. Entrepreneurship. Be a CEO, not an employee are some of the words thrown around today. But then you may wonder if your business idea is worthy enough to battle competitors – whether direct or indirect – successfully and prevail. Quiet your fears, these three guides will help you see more clearly.  1.

Wait! Is Your Business Idea Really Worth It? Let These 3 Points Guide You Read More »

Are You an Entrepreneur or a “Wantrepreneur”? 3 Sure Ways To Find Out

It seems like everyone is calling themselves an entrepreneur these days, as everyone wants to be the next big success story in the mould of Mark Zuckerberg and other tech entrepreneurs.  The truth of the matter though is that there are hundreds and thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs who think they have a winning idea but

Are You an Entrepreneur or a “Wantrepreneur”? 3 Sure Ways To Find Out Read More »

4 Important Questions That Will Tell You Whether People Will Buy What You Are Selling

  Someone once said “Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come”. But then comes the question, how do I know if my business idea is a hero or a zero? Consider below the four all-important questions that will help you check people’s acceptance of a product. 1. What Is My Product? You need to be

4 Important Questions That Will Tell You Whether People Will Buy What You Are Selling Read More »

3 Success Tips From a Billionaire Entrepreneur To Young Entrepreneurs

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks (I bet you know them!) believes that kids should start learning about entrepreneurship from a young age. This much he said in an interview published on In his experience with kids and their approach to entrepreneurship, he says: …I get more questions from kids or from parents about

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Classwork Series and Exercises {CRK – JSS1}: CONTINUOUS SERVICE IN GOD’S COMMUNITY

CRK JSS1 Second Term Week 7 Topic: CONTINUOUS SERVICE IN GOD’S COMMUNITY Bible Reference: Genesis 37:12 – 26. SERVICE Service is defined as a system that provides something that the public needs which is organized by government or private sector. It means to work or perform duties for a person an organization or a country.

Classwork Series and Exercises {CRK – JSS1}: CONTINUOUS SERVICE IN GOD’S COMMUNITY Read More »

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