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Sex and Dating

Girl Talk: Is He Pressuring You For SEX? 10 Reasons To Say NO!!!

True love waits. If a boy truly loves you, he will want the best for you. He will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all – the love nest of marriage. Having sex is something that other people can try to pressure us into when we don’t want to. “The pressure on teenagers to […]

Girl Talk: Is He Pressuring You For SEX? 10 Reasons To Say NO!!! Read More »

Sex, Drug, Porn, Smoking…: How to deal with Teen peer pressure and addictions

(By Kayla Chanai) Today, we would be treating the subject of peer pressure and you may wonder who your peers are. Well, the people you see around you make up your “peer group.” They’re the people you see just about every day. They’re sympathetic to your situation. They understand the feelings of having to do

Sex, Drug, Porn, Smoking…: How to deal with Teen peer pressure and addictions Read More »

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