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teen entrepreneur

How This Bullied Teen Turned His Anger Into Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Have you been at the receiving end of cruel jokes, remarks, and beatings by bully schoolmates? Perhaps you feel there can be no way out of the daily torment, and for you, going to school can be compared to the feelings of an anxious soldier dispatched to the battle front. You may be sad, angry, […]

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“You Are Never Too Young To Start” Two Teen Entrepreneurs Speak From Experience

In the third and final of our series on entrepreneurship, we will consider two teens – one who invented the sport equipment she needed but couldn’t find, and the other who designed an anti-bullying app for victims of bullying. Hope you enjoy! Rachel Zietz, 15, Founder, Gladiator Lacrosse She couldn’t find a certain equipment she needed

“You Are Never Too Young To Start” Two Teen Entrepreneurs Speak From Experience Read More »

“The Only Time You Fail Is When You Don’t Try!” These Teens Share Their Entrepreneurial Journey With You

In the second of the series, we will consider teen entrepreneurs like the boy who converted his bitter experience from being bullied into a profitable business, to the girl who pestered her father for three straight years until he commited to her dream, even as you will be inspired by them, seeing that they are

“The Only Time You Fail Is When You Don’t Try!” These Teens Share Their Entrepreneurial Journey With You Read More »

“If We Can Do It, You Can Too!” These Teens Share the Secrets Of Their Entrepreneurial Success

In the first of our series about teen entrepreneurs and how they started, what motivated them to start their business, and what business advice they want other teens to know from their experience; not only will you be inspired by them, you will also see how they are not much different from you. Consider the

“If We Can Do It, You Can Too!” These Teens Share the Secrets Of Their Entrepreneurial Success Read More »

Why You Need To Work With Those Willing To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

A young entrepreneur says: If you are an idea person, then you really need to find a very strong technical person who is willing to turn your dreams into a reality and not fight you on that too much. And by not fighting, he says he means following the leader and sticking to his original vision.

Why You Need To Work With Those Willing To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Read More »

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