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Teen Life

Teaching Leadership Skills to Teens: what they must know

Basically, leadership involves the ability to use a set of skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, effectively communicate to them, influence them for the good and come up with thoughtful actions. A good leader is therefore someone who possesses the above skills is good at taking initiative, making and executing plans and

Teaching Leadership Skills to Teens: what they must know Read More »

Understanding Body Image and Appearance in Teens: What Parents and Teachers can do to Help Teens Build Positive Self Image

Do you find it funny how difficult it usually is to persuade toddlers to take a shower only for them to grow into teenagehood and become all too particular about their looks? This is perhaps common to the girls who do not only spend excessive amount of time dressing up and then rush every mirror

Understanding Body Image and Appearance in Teens: What Parents and Teachers can do to Help Teens Build Positive Self Image Read More »

9 Most Annoying Things Adults Say To Teens About Love

It’s pretty much inevitable that, at some point during your teen years, you’ll be rejected or dumped or even heart broken. And when that happens, it’s likely that a well-meaning parent or mentor will try to cheer you up with some unsolicited, cliché advice. Here are the most common pearls of cringe-inducing adult wisdom —

9 Most Annoying Things Adults Say To Teens About Love Read More »

CIAPS Public Interest Essay Competition 2016

The CIAPS Public Interest Essay themed “Nigerian Recession: Diagnosis & Prognosis” which has a total of one million naira (N1million) Prize is opened to Students, Graduates, Professionals, Academics and all Stakeholders with interest in and understanding of the Nigerian economy. Application Deadline: 12am 29th November 2016 Eligible Countries: Nigeria To be taken at (country): Nigeria About the Award: For the

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You are what you DRESS: How your self-esteem & Confidence are significantly tied to your clothing

What’s the secret to being confident? Some people believe it’s having a positive mental attitude, while others claim it’s being wealthy. But according to one researcher, the answer may in fact lie in what we’re wearing. Professor Karen Pine from the University of Hertfordshire said that specific clothing – including even superhero T-shirts – can

You are what you DRESS: How your self-esteem & Confidence are significantly tied to your clothing Read More »

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