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JSS2 Basic Science Third Term: Reproduction In Plants

Introduction Plant reproduction is the production of new individuals or offspring in plants, which can be accomplished by sexual or asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction produces offspring by the fusion of gametes, resulting in offspring genetically different from the parent or parents. Asexual reproduction produces new individuals without the fusion of gametes, genetically identical to the

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JSS1 Business Studies Third Term: Limited Liability Company

Meaning of a Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Companies is usually formed by people who contribute to a common purse for the purpose of making running a business enterprise with the aim of making a profit. The contribution made by each person is called shares; a person who contributes his shares is then referred to

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JSS1 Agricultural Science Third Term: Mixed Farming

Topic: Mixed Farming Content Meaning of Mixed Farming Advantages of Mixed Farming Disadvantages of Mixed Farming Mixed farming is an agricultural system in which a farmer conducts different agricultural practice together, such as cash crops and livestock. When on a farm along-with crop production, some other agriculture based practice like poultry, dairy farming or bee

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SS1 Mathematics Third Term: Mean Deviation for Grouped Data

Introduction Range and quartile deviations are positional measures of dispersion, wherein all the observations are not taken into account in the calculation. Now we consider a measure of dispersion called mean deviation based on all observations. Consider the observation 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 A.M. = `(3+5+6+7+9)/(5)` = 6 The sum of the deviations of the items

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JSS2 Mathematics Third Term: Approximation and Estimation

Rounding off Numbers To ’round off’ or ‘approximate’ a number to a desired degree of accuracy, we- a. round the number up if the next digit is 5 or more b. round the number down if the next digit is less than 5. We represent approximately equal to as and approximately as ‘~’ Examples: 1. 73 is close to

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