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November 1, 2016

Why You Need a Personal Vision To Guide You In Life and as an Entrepreneur

People throw this word around a lot; motivational speakers, life coaches, your parents, even your teachers. But beyond all the noise, and bias, what does it really mean? In explaining, this article will not go into all that lofty emptiness, but will clearly and simply describe what it means. Ready to launch? Let’s go! Personal Vision […]

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The Inevitable Harms of Mobile Phones on Teenagers

Truthfully, mobile phones have grown to be one of our best resources in the world today. It has great positive effects ranging from ease of communication to easy accessibility to valuable information but it is not without its consequences. Teenagers generally are affected negatively by mobile technologies especially mobile phones and below are the usual

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Health Benefits of Cucumber for Teens

Resist inflammation: Cucumber extract have demonstrated their ability to inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes. Manage stress:Cucumbers are high in vitamin B, especially B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B7 (biotin). These are water-soluble vitamins in a waterlogged fruit/veggie that support the nervous system. Vitamin-Rich: Cucumber possesses vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin

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Some Essential Life Skills Every Teenager Must Learn Before Going Off To University

Typically, Nigerian teenagers become adults the moment they step foot on university campuses. This is so because their parents will neither be there to guide nor to protect them once they are on those campuses. As a result, many young people often find themselves thrust in situations that require them to make their own decisions

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Take a Tour on 10 of the World’s Longest Rivers (2)

Remember how we dropped anchor on the first leg of our tour of the world’s longest rivers? Well, this trip will take us on the second leg, as we consider the remaining five of the world’s ten longest rivers. The first five being: The Nile River, Amazon River, Yangtze River, Mississippi/Missouri Rivers, and The Yenisei

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Social Studies – Causes and Consequences of Conflict

Social Studies JSS 3 Week 2 Topic: Causes and Consequences of Conflict For previous note on “conflict” see: Content Causes of Conflicts Effects of conflict on the society Conflict management and resolution Causes of Conflicts The following points below are the causes of conflicts- Conflict can arise when someone or group or a group of

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