
Love & Dating

UNICEF: 700,000 Kaduna youths assisted with HIV/AIDS information in 2 years

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says it has assisted over 700,000 Adolescent and Young Person (AYPs) with HIV information in Kaduna State in the last two years. Dr Idris Baba, UNICEF’s HIV and AIDS Specialist, Kaduna Field Office, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Saturday

UNICEF: 700,000 Kaduna youths assisted with HIV/AIDS information in 2 years Read More »

Ever Wondered what Goes on in Teens’ Minds when they are Infatuated?

Have you ever been infatuated? Of course you have. And if you can be really frank with yourself, you’d have noticed some of the weird things going on in your mind. Anyway just to remind you as well as inform those who don’t know, read on below… That moment when you can’t help but break

Ever Wondered what Goes on in Teens’ Minds when they are Infatuated? Read More »

Teens! Here are the Two Things you should Know before Thinking of Having Sex

For the average teen, loosing the virginity is not just a fleeting experience.  Instead, it is an experience that comes with a lot of physical changes, emotional uncertainties and in most times uncomfortable consequences. By the way, by “uncomfortable consequences, I mean the chances of unwanted pregnancies and the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases. But

Teens! Here are the Two Things you should Know before Thinking of Having Sex Read More »

Officials shut down Secondary School over illegal Marriages between Students

Can you believe this? Students sent to school to learn their books were busy doing other things, including marrying each other illegally! That is exactly what has been happening in a secondary school in northern Nigeria; the Saádu Zungur Model Primary and Secondary School in Bauchi to be precise. Meanwhile, the Bauchi State Government has

Officials shut down Secondary School over illegal Marriages between Students Read More »

Things every Teen should know before they start dating

One simple truth is that every teenager will one day sooner or later start dating. And the dating game is such a strange terrain it would do a little good to equip them a few information to get ready. Trust me, it would be really difficult for any teenager to start dating while knowing virtually

Things every Teen should know before they start dating Read More »

Here are some of the Things that happen to Teenagers when they are infatuated

 Have you ever been infatuated? Well if you have, you’d have noticed the following weird behaviours… When you can’t help but break into a grin whenever the name of your crush comes up in conversation. And then  when your friends notice, you go like What, me, beaming like an idiot? Noway. There’s no way my cheeks

Here are some of the Things that happen to Teenagers when they are infatuated Read More »

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