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Classwork Exercise and Series (Civic Education- SS1): How Political Parties Compete For Power During Election

How Political Parties Compete For Power Through Election

Different political parties compete for power during election in the following ways

  1. Organisation – The party must be well organized and have members throughout the federation. Like one national chairman throughout the federation and they must speak with one voice before the public. For example, the bid of APC in the West must be the same in the North and South.
  2. Manifesto – This is the public declaration of of plans, principles, programmes and agenda which a political party intends to accomplish if voted into power.
  3. Campaigns – Political parties present their manifestos to the public through campaigns via the media and public conferences.
  4. Rallies – Political parties create awareness of their party to the public through the means of rallying – moving from streets to streets or community to community. And this medium can help them win elections.
  5. Personality – Sometimes, the profile of a standout candidate in a party can help a political party to win elections.
  6. Charisma – Some political parties cultivate the habit of presenting elites who brilliant as candidates or flag bearer of such a party before the public and such may help a party to win.
  7. Persuasion – Some political parties through the help of their mobilized members are good at persuading friends, neighbours, relatives and the public to vote for their party by educating them on quality of candidates and chances of voters. This helps the to vote wisely for the best qualified candidate.

Ways Political Party Compete For Power During Election

  1. Lobbying members of the legislature and officeholders in the executive branch of the government, providing them with information and persuasive arguments in successful efforts to impact on their official decisions and actions
  2. Forming political action committees which contribute money to the election campaigns of candidates for government office
  3. Providing candidates with other kinds of political support
  4. Mobilizing letter-writing campaigns aimed at particular legislators or other government officeholders
  5. Staging media events and thereby generating dramatic, eye-catching newspaper headlines
  6. Staging mass demonstrations that catch the attention of the news media and the general public
  7. Filing suit in a court of law to prevent enforcement of a decision of the legislature or of the executive branch 
  8. Conducting political advertising campaigns, i.e., disseminating political propaganda through the mail and the mass media

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