
Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – JSS2}: Cultural Practices Associated with Crop Production

Agricultural science, JSS 2, Week 3

Topic Cultural Practices Associated with crop production

The Cultural practices associated with crop production are:

  • Moulding : This is the gathering of soil around the plant to avoid soil erosion, and for proper aeration.
  • Mulching : Mulching is the placing of dry grass, cardboard or plastic to keep soil moist and prevent soil erosion.
  • Staking: It is a situation whereby a stick is placed besides a plant to prevent it from bending or fruit from touching the ground. This help the efficient growth of the crop
  • Weeding : Weeds are unwanted plants, weeds grow on their own. They cause damage to the crops, by consuming water and manure, and in this way not allowing the crops to grow fully, the removal of unwanted plants is necessary and important for a healthy crop to grow. (Weeds compete for nutrients)
  • Pruning : It is the removal of branches of the center and end of plant to allow sunlight. The sunlight is very important in the growth of crops.
  • Irrigation: This is the watering of the plant for growth and development.
  • Fertilizing: It is the adding of nutrients to the soil. The placing of organic or chemical manure to the soil helps to improve nutrients)

Test and Exercise

  1. ————- are unwanted plants that grows on their own (a) rice (b) weeds (c) nutrients (d) manure
  2. The removal of branches of the center and end of plant to allow sunlight is (a) irrigation (b) fertilizing (c) pruning (d) weeding
  3. ———- is the watering of plant for growth and development (a) irrigation (b) fertilizing (c) weeding (d) mulching
  4. The following are the cultural practices associated with crop production except (a) pruning (b) fertilizing (c) planting (d) mulching

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