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Should Business And Friendship Mix? These 5 Tips Will Help You Walk This Line Safely

At times, in the course of business, there exists a thin line between friendship and business especially when it involves selling a product or service to friends and loved ones. Yet, some business models are built around eliminating this divide: take as examples Mary Kay cosmetics, Forever Living products, GNLD, and others who encourage their […]

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5 Benefits Of Having Good Grades That You Should Definitely Know About

What are the benefits of getting good grades? Would you say the benefits are just limited to being able to get into a good higher institution, and get a good job afterward? Or are there more than has been listed? Consider these five benefits of getting good grades, even as you are motivated by them.

5 Benefits Of Having Good Grades That You Should Definitely Know About Read More »

How This Bullied Teen Turned His Anger Into Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Have you been at the receiving end of cruel jokes, remarks, and beatings by bully schoolmates? Perhaps you feel there can be no way out of the daily torment, and for you, going to school can be compared to the feelings of an anxious soldier dispatched to the battle front. You may be sad, angry,

How This Bullied Teen Turned His Anger Into Being a Successful Entrepreneur Read More »

What Will It Take For You To Be Wealthy? Your Answer May Be Absolutely Wrong!

You, like most others may believe that the key to wealth is a high-paying job. Am I right? You may have often heard people talk about how “if they land that big oil company job, they will be set for life.” While earning more money will certainly make it easier for you to amass assets,

What Will It Take For You To Be Wealthy? Your Answer May Be Absolutely Wrong! Read More »

What a BUSINESS PLAN Is. And Why You Need To Know How To Draft One

Financial experts and entrepreneurs will tell you that a business plan is to an enterprise what dated goals are to a successful life. In other words, an enterprise is more likely to be successful when all involved know the details of what they hope to achieve and their roles in realising them. If this be

What a BUSINESS PLAN Is. And Why You Need To Know How To Draft One Read More »

Who Says You Cannot Be An Entrepreneur? 

Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, some with breathtaking amazing innovations, others with variations on well-established themes. Entrepreneurs are everything from lawyers, accountants etc, although few people fall into it by accident after losing their jobs or getting fed up of corporate life, some want to turn their passion or hobby into the focus

Who Says You Cannot Be An Entrepreneur?  Read More »

Are You a “Born Entrepreneur”? These 8 Outstanding Qualities Of an Entrepreneur Will Tell You

It has been said that entrepreneurship is the “new normal”. What this means is that in this generation, more people are looking to be an entrepreneur than being an employee. But then you ask: “People must still work in businesses created by entrepreneurs, won’t they?” And you would be absolutely correct! Not everyone will be

Are You a “Born Entrepreneur”? These 8 Outstanding Qualities Of an Entrepreneur Will Tell You Read More »

5 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From the Mistakes of Others

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, said George Santayana. It is in this vein that we shall look at 5 lessons that can be learnt from the experience of others – those who have come before you, and who have successfully skirted the challenges you will face.  1. Learn From

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