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Fruits and Vegetables Are Healthy, But You May Be Eating Them Wrongly!

Nutritional guidelines recommend the consumption of at least five portions of fruit or vegetables each day for good health. Five portions mentioned here is not the target you should aim for, but the least amount that you eat. In that case, you may wonder if your daily diet of eating 5 apples, 3 oranges, ½ […]

Fruits and Vegetables Are Healthy, But You May Be Eating Them Wrongly! Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises (Social Studies – JSS2): Food Nutrition

Home Economics JSS2 Week 2 Topic: FOOD NUTRITION FOOD NUTRITION Nutrients are chemical substances in the food we eat. Nutrients are the nutritional components in foods that an organism utilizes to survive and grow. Nutrient is defined as “a substance obtained from food used in the body to promote growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissues”, or simply

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Home Economics – JSS1}: Healthy Feeding Habits

Home Economics JSS1 Week 2 Topic: HEALTHY FEEDING HABITS Contents: Healthy Feeding Habits Types of Food Meal Planning Guidelines for Healthy Feeding Guidelines for Table Manners A. HEALTHY FEEDING HABITS/ FOOD NUTRIENTS The human body is like a machine that needs fuel to do its work. These needs fuel to do it work. These needs are met

Classwork Series and Exercises {Home Economics – JSS1}: Healthy Feeding Habits Read More »

Clap For Joy Pineapple Lovers, These Are the 5 Health Benefits of Pineapple

Did you know that pineapple is 94% carbohydrate? The power of pineapple lies in its vitamins and digestibility, its natural sweetness and, of course, its affordability. Here are some healthful, tasty reasons to stock up on pineapple the next time you are out shopping. 1. Pineapple is Rich in Vitamin C Pineapple contains more than the

Clap For Joy Pineapple Lovers, These Are the 5 Health Benefits of Pineapple Read More »

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