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How to Establish a Good Parent-Teacher Relationship in 2021

The first contact with your child’s teacher, in many ways, is the most important, This is the time you are building rapport and developing a relationship of trust. Therefore, an appropriate time and setting are important for the first brief encounter. A phone call, a note, or, best of all, an initial face-to-face meeting is […]

How to Establish a Good Parent-Teacher Relationship in 2021 Read More »

7 Ways to Prepare Kids for Junior and Senior Secondary School

All through primary school, kids look forward to moving on to bigger and better things: namely, junior and senior secondary school. What can parents do to help their children make the move to being the smallest fish in a much bigger pond? Here are 7 ideas to help them be ready and successful in this

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Effective learning patterns for successful Students

Always keep one thing in mind – “Good Leaders are Good Readers”. To become a successful student, you must have a good study routine. Successful kids apply many good habits to all their classes. Read about some excellent study routine and try to develop the study pattern that you do not comprise.   Superior study

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Important things every Parent must teach their teens

Parenting is beyond conceiving babies, birthing them and providing them with the best care they could have. For inasmuch as those things are good, it is not enough. Instead, it is the responsibility of parents to always make sure that they are raising very good children who will one day become model citizens of society.

Important things every Parent must teach their teens Read More »

Parents! Avoid These Bad Parenting Habits If You Are Guilty Of Any

 You know, parents aren’t perfect human beings after all and perhaps this explains why they often make certain [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][un]forgivable mistakes when raising their teenagers. While, this is understandable, it is important for

Parents! Avoid These Bad Parenting Habits If You Are Guilty Of Any Read More »

Dear Teens, Are You Your Parents’ Most Favourite Kids?

When you are a teenager growing up with the rest of your siblings at home, it can be easy to decipher whether or not you are your parents’ favourite kid. Agreed, usually the Last Child in every home is, and if you know what I am talking about you’d attest to the favoritism usually displayed

Dear Teens, Are You Your Parents’ Most Favourite Kids? Read More »

5 Ways Children Can Learn Wise Money Skills From Their Parents

Kids learn more when they observe the actions of their parents who are their first role models. So, how may parents teach their children the values of delaying gratification, saving hard-earned money, and become wise consumers, values that will serve them well into adulthood and pave for them the way to a successful life? Consider

5 Ways Children Can Learn Wise Money Skills From Their Parents Read More »

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