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Six Ways To Maintain Classroom Discipline

1. Monitoring The key to this principle is to circulate. Get up and get around the room. While your students are working, make the rounds. Check on their progress. An effective teacher will make a pass through the whole room about two minutes after the students have started a written assignment. She checks that each […]

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What Mnemonics Gets To Do For You!

Mnemonic techniques or systems according to Samuel do not replace the basic principles of learning and memory but they make use of them. Meaningfulness: Through the application of rhymes, patterns and associations, mnemonics techniques and systems makes any material meaningful, even though they are inherently without meaning, they get wide-spelt meaning. Organization: As mental filing

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TIPS FOR TEACHERS: 5 Proven Ways to Engage Students In Your Classroom

No matter what subject they teach or what age group their students fall into, all teachers face the same basic challenge: They have to find a way to actively engage students in the learning process. Today’s learners tend to respond best to interactive teaching methods, so many instructors have integrated technology into their lesson plans.

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World Teachers’ Day 2015: 5 Cool Ways to Appreciate Your Favourite Teacher

World Teachers’ Day, held annually on October 5 since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organisations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. A teacher isn’t just an instructor. They are a mentor, a guide, a counselor, a protector and

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7 Characteristics of A Digitally Competent Teacher

What does being a ‘digitally competent’ teacher mean? Does it mean using laptops, smartphones, or tablets in the classroom? Does it mean finding new and interesting ways to use those devices along with apps and web tools?  What level of expertise with technology constitutes ‘competent’? Or does the concept encompass more than that?  Just like

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