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Your Ability To Read This Message Reveals Something Incredible About Your Mind

The above passage, written in a combination of letters and numbers purports that only certain strong minds can read it, reports an article on Yahoo! But that is not exactly true as just about everybody can read the message with ease. But according to one scientist, our ability to read such messages reveals something pretty incredible about the brain. Interpreting

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Biology – SS3}: Nervous Coordination

Biology SS3 Week 5 Topic: Nervous Co-ordination Introduction The behavior of an animal in its environment to maintain itself depends on the coordination of its organ systems. Without co-ordination of various organ systems, various physiological processes would work in a haphazard way, without linking together activities. The linking together in time and space of various

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5 Ways to Sharpen Your Brain in Time for the New Term

As school resumes in another few days – if you haven’t resumed already -, you most definitely would like to know what specific things can help improve your brain power to take on the rigour of academic work for the new term, and come out successful at the term-end assessment tests. Keeping your interests close

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10 Foods That Can Tamper With Your Brain Alertness, Avoid Them!!!

  When it comes to nutrition, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods: some super-foods are your greatest allies against extra pounds, while others stimulate your cognitive function and improve your memory. On the other hand, some foods are known to have a devastating effect on your brain functioning, and nutritionists

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Revealed: This is what really goes on in a troubled teenager’s head

Worried parents often wish they could peer into the minds of their troubled teenagers. Now scientists have revealed scans of exactly what goes on in a teenager’s brain when they rebel DailyMail reports. The results show how rebellion is often triggered by a young person’s need to assert individuality, as well as a desire to

Revealed: This is what really goes on in a troubled teenager’s head Read More »

Music lessons DO pay off: How learning to play an instrument can boost your brainpower

Musical training in before you are fourteen can boost your brainpower significantly in later life, a major new study has found. Researchers found older adults who had musical training in their youth were 20% faster in identifying speech sounds than their non-musician peers. Researchers say this can make a major difference as we grow older.

Music lessons DO pay off: How learning to play an instrument can boost your brainpower Read More »

Fish really IS brain food: Eating ANY type once a week is good for your memory

Eating any type of fish just once a week increases brain health, a study has revealed. Just one fillet – grilled or baked – boosts grey matter, regardless of how much omega-3 fatty acid it contains. Experts have previously said the anti-oxidant effect of omega-3 fatty acids – found in high amounts in fish, seeds,

Fish really IS brain food: Eating ANY type once a week is good for your memory Read More »

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