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Do mosquitoes find some people more delicious than others? Yes, research suggests

  Mosquito season is in full swing. A lucky few people seem immune to the bites of the pesky insects. Others can’t seem to avoid them. New research explains mosquitoes’ apparent selectivity. According to an article in Smithsonian magazine, an estimated 20 percent of people are “especially delicious” to mosquitoes. (Shudder.) They are bitten more

Do mosquitoes find some people more delicious than others? Yes, research suggests Read More »

Sadly, These Are The Most Popular Things On The Internet

  (By Katie Lepi) Kittens and bacon are taking over. Quite literally. I was searching for awesome education infographics to share with you, and when I began my search using terms like ‘education’, a graphic about kittens and bacon came up. I’m not joking, guys. Even Google believes that kittens +bacon = education! But of

Sadly, These Are The Most Popular Things On The Internet Read More »

Want To Be A Game Designer? – Why (And How) To Start Learning Video Game Design

  (Jeff Vance) It’s no secret that kids (and adults) love playing video games. Video games have become one of the most popular uses of leisure time and are a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Many educators have discovered that video game design and development is an effective learning tool in the classroom. The main

Want To Be A Game Designer? – Why (And How) To Start Learning Video Game Design Read More »

PHOTO OF THE DAY: To make somebody’s day is not that expensive… Take a cue from President Obama

  (By Folksy) Smiles are nice. Cards are nice. Gifts are nice. All the “standards” are nice–and all, at least in part, are somewhat expected. If you really want to make someone’s day, do the unexpected. It’s not hard. Little things truly can go the longest way. All it takes is a tiny bit of

PHOTO OF THE DAY: To make somebody’s day is not that expensive… Take a cue from President Obama Read More »

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