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The 2019 CEO Apprentice 2019 visit Rise Networks AI Labs

The Rise Labs hosted the finalists of Business Day’s “The CEO Apprentice 2019” on Friday, August 22nd, 2019. The participants were welcomed to the labs by our founder, Mrs. Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji, she shared with them the lessons learnt from her journey so far and gave them advice that they will cherish for a lifetime. She […]

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An Explanation Of How Successful Entrepreneurs Make Their Money

Entrepreneurs are individuals who introduce new, innovative products or services that help society become more productive, reduce cost and improve the general quality of life. Because they know their offerings much better than anyone else, and also how these solve the problems of customers, entrepreneurs can charge a high price for their innovations. This high premium

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Why You Need To Be CONSISTENT In Your Life And As an Entrepreneur

Consistency. That is the buzz word. But to help fix in your mind a clear picture of what consistency really is, I will start with an abridged version of a story told by Arno Rafael Minkkinen, and shared on He was born in Helsinki, Finland. And in the centre of the city, there was a large bus

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5 Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur That You Already Exhibit as a Student

Many times, people talk about qualities you should develop for success. But aren’t there things to learn from qualities you already possess, and especially how they can contribute to your success when you take time to identify and enhance them. Consider the 5… 1. Resilience When faced with difficult problems in your school work, are

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – SS1}: Production and Factors Of Production

WEEK 7 Agricultural Science, S.S.S 1, Second Term TOPIC: Production and Factors of Production Production Production, in is one of the important activities whatever human being is received goods as a natural gift can not be consumed as such. It requires some processing and then and then only it is consumed. Through processing we transform some

Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – SS1}: Production and Factors Of Production Read More »

How This Bullied Teen Turned His Anger Into Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Have you been at the receiving end of cruel jokes, remarks, and beatings by bully schoolmates? Perhaps you feel there can be no way out of the daily torment, and for you, going to school can be compared to the feelings of an anxious soldier dispatched to the battle front. You may be sad, angry,

How This Bullied Teen Turned His Anger Into Being a Successful Entrepreneur Read More »

If Money Never Sleeps, Then These 3 Tips Will Ensure You Remain Financially Awake!

Much has been said about money already. But whatever your philosophy, you would agree that money enables us enjoy some of life’s comforts, so it’s quite important. That being the case, you need to understand the basic building blocks of money. According to financial expert, Grant Cardone, he has compiled a list of the 3 building

If Money Never Sleeps, Then These 3 Tips Will Ensure You Remain Financially Awake! Read More »

“If We Can Do It, You Can Too!” These Teens Share the Secrets Of Their Entrepreneurial Success

In the first of our series about teen entrepreneurs and how they started, what motivated them to start their business, and what business advice they want other teens to know from their experience; not only will you be inspired by them, you will also see how they are not much different from you. Consider the

“If We Can Do It, You Can Too!” These Teens Share the Secrets Of Their Entrepreneurial Success Read More »

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