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Subordinate Clause and Skill focus (SS2 Third Term English Language)

Subordinate Clause A subordinate clause (or dependent clause) is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not express a complete thought. A subordinate clause is a group of words, which include a finite or non-finite verb.  The subordinate clause cannot stand independently as it is not complete as a […]

Subordinate Clause and Skill focus (SS2 Third Term English Language) Read More »

Financial Institutions (SS1 Third Term Economics)

The Definition of Financial Institutions Financial institutions are establishments that render financial services or conduct financial transactions such as investments, loans and deposits for clients. Most people deal with financial services providers (i.e., financial institutions) almost on a daily basis on a regular basis. This is because every financial activities such as depositing money and getting loans as well as exchanging currencies

Financial Institutions (SS1 Third Term Economics) Read More »

Geography 101: The top largest Countries by Landmass every Teen should Know

As you should already know, the earth’s surface is partitioned into different countries many of which are really big in size; examples- Russia, Canada, USA, China, Brazil and Australia. These occupy huge areas of the earth, with some even stretching across continents. Many teenagers already do know some of these very big countries. And as

Geography 101: The top largest Countries by Landmass every Teen should Know Read More »

School Management offers Four lucky Students Scholarship to the tune of 3 million naira

 The Mind Builders School, a secondary school based in Lagos, has awarded scholarship worth up to three million naira to four of its newly admitted students. The kind gesture by the school’s management is aimed at covering part of the new students tuition fees. This is a follow up to an earlier scholarship scheme by the

School Management offers Four lucky Students Scholarship to the tune of 3 million naira Read More »

Attention to all the 2017 WAEC Candidates: WAEC 2017/2018 Timetable is out!

The 2017/2018 WAEC Exam title is out. So if you are writing the exam or you know anybody who is writing it, then this information is for you/them. Please see it below- Friday, 10th March 2017 Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session – 08.30 hrs. – 09.30 hrs Home Management 3 (Practical) Planning Session

Attention to all the 2017 WAEC Candidates: WAEC 2017/2018 Timetable is out! Read More »

Teens! Here are some Career Truths no Teacher will teach you in School

Clearly speaking, the education system in most countries (specifically in Nigeria) is full of deceits. It does not only equip students with the necessary skills they need to be efficient in their future career, but also fails to inform them of such deficiencies. Instead, schools are determined to churn out a bunch of students into

Teens! Here are some Career Truths no Teacher will teach you in School Read More »

Some Fundamentals of Education both Students, Teachers and Parents should always bear in Mind

1. TO LEARN MEANS TO: Memorize new things Acquire facts and the knowledge about the procedures for doing things Understanding reality Making sense of the world Using skills learnt to solve actual human problems 2. THERE ARE SEVERAL LEARNING STYLES, INCLUDING: Visual: Using sight Auditory: Using songs or rhythms Verbal: Speaking out loud the information

Some Fundamentals of Education both Students, Teachers and Parents should always bear in Mind Read More »

Important Facts about Teenagehood every Parent should know

Would it be wise to assume that there are quite a number of things about teenagehood which parents do not know? After all, they were once teenagers themselves, right? Moreover, they gave birth to the teenagers and should automatically know everything about them…or not. There are certain facts about teenagehood that parents (at least some

Important Facts about Teenagehood every Parent should know Read More »

Teaching Leadership Skills to Teens: what they must know

Basically, leadership involves the ability to use a set of skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, effectively communicate to them, influence them for the good and come up with thoughtful actions. A good leader is therefore someone who possesses the above skills is good at taking initiative, making and executing plans and

Teaching Leadership Skills to Teens: what they must know Read More »

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