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She Wont Tell You Her Age? Find Out in Seconds Using Just Her Picture!

It’s a general saying that you should never ask a lady her age. But what is more, most people – girls and boys alike – conceal their real ages for reasons best known to them. But not anymore! According to a recent report by CNN Tech, a computer algorithm developed by Microsoft can tell how old you […]

She Wont Tell You Her Age? Find Out in Seconds Using Just Her Picture! Read More »

Girl Accidentally Sent Her Dad A Nude Selfie, Shared Her Drama On Twitter

Yesterday, a female student with a love for the grand tradition of tall tales spun a yarn on Twitter about sending a naked photograph of herself to her dad, which is very embarrassing and almost definitely didn’t happen. Or maybe it did? Either way, every site on the Internet ran it. The whole stuff began with a

Girl Accidentally Sent Her Dad A Nude Selfie, Shared Her Drama On Twitter Read More »

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