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Teen Dating

9 Most Annoying Things Adults Say To Teens About Love

It’s pretty much inevitable that, at some point during your teen years, you’ll be rejected or dumped or even heart broken. And when that happens, it’s likely that a well-meaning parent or mentor will try to cheer you up with some unsolicited, cliché advice. Here are the most common pearls of cringe-inducing adult wisdom — […]

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Girl Talk: 8 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You – Even If It Doesn’t Seem Like It

Shy guys are pretty hard to figure out, unsurprisingly. They’re shy, so they’re probably also kind of quiet and awkward… not just around you, but around everyone. So how are you supposed to know if that kind of guy likes you and is just too shy to say anything, or if he’s not interested at

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Teens And Butterflies: Why You Feel The Way You Feel About Your First Love

(By Roz Ben-Okagbue) “That’s what happens with your first love. It carves a hole in the muscle and fibre so that you have no choice but to wear it like a birthmark”. Rebecca Tsaros Dickson Even after 40 years or more, most people can remember their first love, that person who once made their heart

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Love and Dating: Is It Okay For Me To Kiss And Smooch In My Relationship?

Kissing And Smooching Kissing is the act of expressing desire and passion for another. Kisses can be strong and passionate, very heated, backed by strong sexual desire. Smooching  to kiss, hold, and touch someone in a sexual way, to cuddle. Smooching is a lot more than kissing, it involves slow kisses and a lot of

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Girl Talk: Is He Pressuring You For SEX? 10 Reasons To Say NO!!!

True love waits. If a boy truly loves you, he will want the best for you. He will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all – the love nest of marriage. Having sex is something that other people can try to pressure us into when we don’t want to. “The pressure on teenagers to

Girl Talk: Is He Pressuring You For SEX? 10 Reasons To Say NO!!! Read More »

Relationship Between An Adult and A Teenager, Is It Healthy?

It’s a little complicated when you’re a teenager dating an adult. Fact is, when you’re older, age starts to matter less. But when you’re still a teenager, age differences are a way bigger deal. Think of it this way: Imagine being 17 and dating someone six years younger than you. That’s an 11-year-old! You’re at

Relationship Between An Adult and A Teenager, Is It Healthy? Read More »

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