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Teens! Reasons Why You Should Never Fall In Love With Your Best Friend

Sometimes, being friends with the opposite sex can be difficult. This is especially so for teenagers! Either the boy or the girl will one day want a lot more than mere friendship. The possibility of jealousness abound [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=””

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What Are Promise Rings, And What Do They Mean?

A promise ring can mean many different things, and before giving this tangible symbol of a commitment, individuals should be certain their promise will be easily understood not only by the person wearing the ring, but by others who may misconstrue the intent of the promise. What are Promise Rings? Promise rings are small, beautiful

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SEPTEMBER – The Tale Of a Month Bumped From the Seventh Position To the Ninth

Yay! It’s September, and nothing reminds us of the year coming to an end – and all the festivities involved! – than the first of the ember months. But how did September, named for the seventh month of the Roman calendar come to be the ninth month  in our modern calendar, the Gregorian calendar?  From

SEPTEMBER – The Tale Of a Month Bumped From the Seventh Position To the Ninth Read More »

Girl Talk: 8 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You – Even If It Doesn’t Seem Like It

Shy guys are pretty hard to figure out, unsurprisingly. They’re shy, so they’re probably also kind of quiet and awkward… not just around you, but around everyone. So how are you supposed to know if that kind of guy likes you and is just too shy to say anything, or if he’s not interested at

Girl Talk: 8 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You – Even If It Doesn’t Seem Like It Read More »

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