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It is not news that students who have high self-esteem outperform students who have low self-esteem. The good news is whatever your level of self-esteem is, it can be improved. Here are five proven ways Teachers can help enhance their students’ self-esteem: 1) KNOW YOUR STUDENTS Each student is unique, and to be the kind […]


Falz Bop Daddy Challenge: Immigration Threatens Sack Employees For Participating

The Nigeria Immigration Service has queried its officers, who appeared in a viral music video challenge, threatening to take severe actions against them as punishment. According to a statement by Iam Haliru, Assistant Comptroller General of the NIS, the viral video clip tagged #BopDaddyChallenge, has caused the organisation a lot of embarrassment. ‘Bop Daddy’ is

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10 Nigerian Celebrities Who Are Graduates

Nigeria celebrities are not just about entertainment, a good number of them are graduates from various institutions. This shows the entertainment industry is full of educated people and it is obvious in some of the productions that come from the industry.   Relax and read the educational background of few of them 1. Funke Akindele

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8 Trends in Education Technology That Will Have A Major Impact in 2020

The last few years have witnessed a dramatic change in the learning model. The way students are being taught today is very different from the teaching methods that were adopted a few decades back. Technology has brought about various changes in the way education is delivered and received. From self-learning to flipped classroom approach, we

8 Trends in Education Technology That Will Have A Major Impact in 2020 Read More »

Centering Dialogue in the Classroom: It’s about WE, not ME!

Given the current political climate marked by an increase in school-based hate crimes, engaging students in authentic conversations related to the social, cultural or political—without fear of alienating those who hold different opinions and ultimately compromising curiosity, openness, and critical thinking—can seem like a near-impossible task. Further, educators often express a lack of pedagogical confidence to effectively

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Deciding Which School is Right for Your Child

  In today’s world of standardized tests, we have an abundance of data available about our children. While all standardized tests are not equivalent and some reveal much more about our children’s capabilities than others, parents today have more information about their children than ever before. As beneficial as such information can be, it also

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A Parent’s Call to Action: Leveraging Personalized Learning for Your Child

  From the day of diagnosis, parents of students with disabilities begin the long journey of paving paths through a world designed for the mythical “average” person. In education, we grow accustomed to challenging traditional systems to serve our children so they too can reach their full potential. But the daily struggle is made more

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Enhancing Student Learning: Seven Principles for Good Practice

  The Seven Principles Resource Center The following principles are anchored in extensive research about teaching, learning, and the college experience. 1. Good Practice Encourages Student – Instructor Contact Frequent student – instructor contact in and out of classes is an important factor in student motivation and involvement. Instructor concern helps students get through rough times

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