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JSS1 Business Studies Third Term: Forms of Business Organization (Partnership)

Meaning of Partnership Partnership is a form of business organisation in which two individuals combine to own and run a business for the purpose of making profit. It is a form of business in which 2 to 20 people come together, combine resources, contribute their skills, talent etc to run a business with the aim […]

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Important things every Parent must teach their teens

Parenting is beyond conceiving babies, birthing them and providing them with the best care they could have. For inasmuch as those things are good, it is not enough. Instead, it is the responsibility of parents to always make sure that they are raising very good children who will one day become model citizens of society.

Important things every Parent must teach their teens Read More »

How can Teachers Build Solid Relationships with their Students?

It is very important for teachers to have positive and solid relationships with their students because that is one of the surest ways to ensure that the actual teaching and learning process really takes place. Observe a teacher who is beloved by his/her students and you will see how well the students will perform in

How can Teachers Build Solid Relationships with their Students? Read More »

Here are some of the Things that happen to Teenagers when they are infatuated

 Have you ever been infatuated? Well if you have, you’d have noticed the following weird behaviours… When you can’t help but break into a grin whenever the name of your crush comes up in conversation. And then  when your friends notice, you go like What, me, beaming like an idiot? Noway. There’s no way my cheeks

Here are some of the Things that happen to Teenagers when they are infatuated Read More »

9 Most Annoying Things Adults Say To Teens About Love

It’s pretty much inevitable that, at some point during your teen years, you’ll be rejected or dumped or even heart broken. And when that happens, it’s likely that a well-meaning parent or mentor will try to cheer you up with some unsolicited, cliché advice. Here are the most common pearls of cringe-inducing adult wisdom —

9 Most Annoying Things Adults Say To Teens About Love Read More »

What Are Promise Rings, And What Do They Mean?

A promise ring can mean many different things, and before giving this tangible symbol of a commitment, individuals should be certain their promise will be easily understood not only by the person wearing the ring, but by others who may misconstrue the intent of the promise. What are Promise Rings? Promise rings are small, beautiful

What Are Promise Rings, And What Do They Mean? Read More »

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